Dylan's 6th birthday

2018 January 07 - 28

Created by Jessica 2 years ago

This year, Dylan's birthday celebrations lasted the best part of a month. We started bright and early with a lovely stroll down the canal by our house and then headed over to MK to collect the boys cousins for a ,now traditional, round of pirate golf. That was followed by our other family tradition of a meal at Pizza Express where Dylan tucked into garlic dough balls, pepperoni pizza and ice cream, then it was back to my sisters house to open presents. If i remember rightly, Dylan's favourite present this year was his paw patroller.

The next day was Dylan's birthday and it was a school day. Dylan woke up unable to weight bare on one of his legs so we ended up in hospital. In typical Dylan fashion, he shrugged this off and was back to normal not long after.

On the 28th Dylan and his younger brother, Elliot had a shared birthday party at Dylan's all time favourite soft play venue, Zoomania.
